Saturday, 7 August 2010

It's been raining.

Hello sweeties! This is me right now... I came home a while ago from a rainy Stockholm.
I can tell you, it rained a lot! A LOT.
The day was nice though. I'm damn tired right now, but not sleepy-tired. Just exhausted.

Anyway. Arrived in Stockholm at 10.50, met up with ULV. Was on the train with Kristin, David, Niklas, Anna and Olle. But we met up with the rest. We got our passes and we played at 12.00 at the central station. Did anyone hear us? We played for ten minutes.
After that we got on the bus 47 to Skansen, where we went around looking at animals and shit.
At 14.00 we played for about 40 minutes, Tingvallen, Bollnästorget. Did you hear us? I assume you didn't. We were great. After that we walked all over Skansen to find food inside. We didn't.
So we went out, found a fast food place and got in there. I had fish and chips and a diet coke, 67 :- not far too expensive.
It was raining very very much at this time. So Tove and I bought raincoats, transparent. 25:- Skansen written all over the back. AWESOME. Not. But still needed.
We went to see Kalle Moraeus and Orsa Spelmän and Benny Anderson at Solliden.
We did see them in the VERY VERY VERY RAINY WEATHER.
I got on the 19.11 train home, except it didn't leave before 19.30. I was in Uppsala at 20.08.
Home at 21... Lovely.

Nice day out actually. Tomorrow rehearsal with mum's choir.

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